Friday, October 24, 2008

Stem cells going in....

Just a little update....talked to KK a little while ago and they received the donor cells and started the transplant around noon today. They were on the second bag around 3:00 and Kristy was doing very well. As of 7 PM there hasn't been any updates, but perhaps KK will bring us up to date tonight.

So this is all good and within two weeks she should get good, healthy cells growing!!!

Many thanks to everyone for your prayers and concern!!

Posted by Molly 10/24/2008


Anonymous said...

So far so good!!!Yayyyyy!!!Let's keep Kristy in positive thoughts so she can have a full recovery! I hope I will get to see her this weekend, but I have 4 kids this weekend and I don't know if I will be able to slip out of the house....and I certainly am not taking any kids with me either. So bare with me....I will come as soon as I can....I love you!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that all is going so well! Keep us updated.
Love you,
Kay Ellen

Mark and Dortha said...

We are RVing friends of Bob and Molly's. Our prayers are with you and hope you are already feeling better.
