Saturday, October 25, 2008

With Kristy at MCV

Just thought I would let everyone know that Kristy is doing very well. Last night was really rough but today they are keeping a good watch on her and giving her meds as needed and she looks good and talks good. They kept a good eye on her last night too. She had a shower earlier and is napping right now. She is really tired but that is to be expected. She gets up and walks around and is eating good. The doctors say she is doing really good. Her nurses have been really great and all the people that we have met here have been so helpful. Her friend Judy Jamison came by yesterday and sat with us a while. She is such a nice person and Kristy really thinks alot of her. She brought Kristy a orange and black blanket and pillow that the Varina Ruritan Club and the Bits & Pieces Quilt Club had made. That was so thoughtful of her and all of the women and clubs that make these for the people with serious illnesses. Her blood pressure is down now and her oxygen is fine. They have given her platelets and they may do that again tonight. Will update tomorrow I think I need to go home. Kristy has been napping and her supper will be here shortly. I wish you all could see her and talk to her. She never complains and is always greatly appreciative for everything that anyone does for her. As soon as she is not so tired I will get her to post her own blog. But I will say that all the prayers and thoughts have been so overwhelmingly helpful. You have no idea how hard it is sometimes to keep thinking positive and not turn away from good thoughts. You really want to blame somebody for this, but there isn't anyone. It is just something that happened and it can happen to anyone from age 2 months to 60 years.


Bob and Molly said...

Hi Kristy!
I am so glad to hear they are taking good care of you and that you're doing well! :) :)
I'll be home this week and you'll be home in no time at all!!
Big hugs to you!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are doing well. I called your phone and talked to mom and she said you were sleeping. You are such a strong and courageous person. I envy your strength. I love you I hope to see you within the next couple of days. BIG SMOOCHIES!!! Karisa