Sunday, November 2, 2008

Today was a hard day to be with Kristy

Some days you remember more than others and I think this is one. I talked with Richard, her nurse, before seeing her. Richard explained alot of things to me and I understood what he meant and why. Some of Kristy's number are too high and some of her numbers are too low in her kidney results. She was not very responsive today, but in another way she seemed stronger. Kristy and I have spent a lot of time together over the last year. We have cried together, laughed together and sometimes knew what the other ment without completing the sentence. I miss those times very much right now. I undersood her today, but they were only mumble yes and no answers. Only if you knew what she was thinking could you figure it out. I decorated her room for fall. She is missing all the seasons. I asked her if she would like ice chips and I knew when she said yes and I knew when she said no for no more. She liked having her mouth cleaned out and she let me know when it was enough and not to do anymore. Today she did squeeze my hand once or twice, but it is hard to leave her when you feel like you should stay and do more. Tomorrow Molly will stay with her and I will try to go back tomorrow night for awhile. If any of you could spare a few hours on weekends to stay with Kristy we would really appreciate it. We have been taping the cards that she has received upon her wall and we are asking you to write a small message in a composition notebook as to what time you came and the date. This is so that she can read it later. Thank you for all the prayers and support that you are sending her way.

1 comment:

Mike and Pat McFall said...


I wish we were closer. I would be glad to sit with Kristy. If there is anything we can do from here, please let us know. I hope she is feeling better today. We will continue our prayers.

Hugs...........Pat and Mike